Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Urshadash colored and temporary break

I'm taking a short break from large projects (daily demons, Adventure Underfoot) while I work on some portfolio specific pieces. When all of that comes together I'll share it too, but for now I'm grinding my nose away on some stone. Check out the color version of Urshadash: Daily Demon 23: Urshadash since I decided to put the slimy she-beast into my portfolio.


Jolene said...

There is a new movie coming out called The Host, that is what reminds me of your she monster drawing guy. :) Also I dont know if you have ever seen that movie, Snakes on a Plane, but when the Anaconda is about to devour the annoying British man, he looks at him and smiles, it is unusually cute. It reminds me of your drawings.

marlene heuer said...

let us behold zee glue maker!

:: smo :: said...

break over! post now!

Peter said...

you guys are cruel.